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Valley Stream South HS
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   Jon Koskowitz (Athletic Director)
Rankings for the Cross Country 2024 Season
Team:  Boys | Girls | Combined
Event Group:  Event: 
h = hand time (actual time shown, but we add +0.24 to determine rankings position)
# for 'coach entered' in the rankings

100 M Girls
Rank   Time  Name Grade Date Site
1   12.70 Lenora Jones 9 05/30/2024 Syosset HS
2   13.16 Chinelo Obichere 9 05/30/2024 Syosset HS
3   13.71 Sarah Young 10 04/13/2024 Valley Stream North HS
4   13.5 h # Star Acquah 12 04/15/2024 Valley Stream South
5   13.5 h # Sameen Mir 9 03/25/2024 West Hempstead HS
6   14.0 h # Jenelle Riley 9 05/01/2024 North Shore HS
7   14.7 h # Elizabeth Benjamin 10 05/01/2024 North Shore HS
8   14.8 h # Anna-Lisa Wright 11 04/15/2024 Valley Stream South
9   15.1 h # Jaida Griegg 10 04/08/2024 Clarke HS
10   15.91 Alana Lee-Chin 10 04/26/2024 Oceanside HS
11   15.7 h # Cedrize Bramble 11 04/15/2024 Valley Stream South
12   16.94 Eyana Walcott-Harrison 10 04/26/2024 Oceanside HS
13   17.5 h # Florence Jalloh 12 04/08/2024 Clarke HS
14   18.4 h # Jamila Mitchell 10 04/08/2024 Clarke HS
15   18.88 Fatmata Jalloh 04/13/2024 Valley Stream North HS

100 HH Girls
Rank   Time  Name Grade Date Site
1   21.55 Layla DeSuze 10 05/06/2024 Seaford HS
2   21.61 Dylana Gleim 10 05/24/2024 North Shore HS
3   25.03 Thalia Belcher 10 04/26/2024 Oceanside HS

200 M Girls
Rank   Time  Name Grade Date Site
1   27.21 Lenora Jones 9 05/24/2024 North Shore HS
2   28.62 Sarah Young 10 05/06/2024 Seaford HS
3   29.38 Chinelo Obichere 9 04/26/2024 Oceanside HS
4   29.9 h # Jenelle Riley 9 04/15/2024 Valley Stream South
5   30.92 Janaiya Greigg 10 04/26/2024 Oceanside HS
6   30.8 h # Elizabeth Benjamin 10 03/25/2024 West Hempstead HS
7   32.0 h # Star Acquah 12 03/25/2024 West Hempstead HS
8   32.2 h # Anna-Lisa Wright 11 04/15/2024 Valley Stream South
9   32.8 h # Melanie Morsucci 10 03/25/2024 West Hempstead HS
10   32.8 h # Dylana Gleim 10 03/25/2024 West Hempstead HS
11   33.84 Alana Lee-Chin 10 04/26/2024 Oceanside HS
12   33.90 Cedrize Bramble 11 04/26/2024 Oceanside HS
13   33.7 h # Layla DeSuze 10 03/25/2024 West Hempstead HS
14   33.96 Jaida Griegg 10 04/26/2024 Oceanside HS
15   35.00 Eyana Walcott-Harrison 10 04/26/2024 Oceanside HS
16   39.2 h # Shifa Paracha 10 04/15/2024 Valley Stream South
17   39.7 h # Dezirae Wishropp 10 04/15/2024 Valley Stream South
18   40.2 h # Florence Jalloh 12 04/08/2024 Clarke HS
VS South - Team Schedule
Boys Spring Track 2024 Team Schedule (Show Girls Spring Track 2024 Team Schedule)
Data is not yet available for Spring Track 2024!
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